Thursday, April 14, 2011

As promised: new debt totals!

I've calculated our totals and they are exciting!!  We are making progress, even if it doesn't feel like it.  The last time I tallied them, we were at $28,327.62 in debt, remember?  Drum roll please...  our new debt total after the last 13 weeks of working the debt snowball is:  $24,089.33!!  That means we have paid off $4,238.29!  Woot! 

And here I was getting discouraged about our lack of progress.  It just goes to show you that if you continue to make good decisions, even if they seem inconsequential, you will get there.  I love the empowered feeling it gives me to know that my own hard work put me there.  And Tim's of course.  He is, after all, the one with the income.  I just tell it what to do.

Today's post is short and sweet, but coming soon watch for my personal (and very strong) opinions about jeans.  Such an thrilling topic!

Always Fabulous,

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